Volunteer Boston is a web resource for non-profit community service organizations and their volunteers.  We seek to serve all those who want to volunteer to serve their neighbors. Volunteer Boston is a web resource for non-profit community service organizations and their volunteers.  We seek to serve all those who want to volunteer to serve their neighbors. Volunteer Boston
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Volunteer Boston - AIDS Action Committee

294 Washington St, 5th Floor
Boston, MA 02108

1.617.437.6200 (ph)
1.617.437.6445 (fx)

Mission Statement

AIDS Action Committee's mission is threefold:
          • To provide support services to people living with AIDS and HIV, as well as the people who love and care for them;
          • To educate the general public, health care professionals, and individuals whose behavior could put them at high risk for HIV infection; and
          • To advocate at the local, state, and federal levels for fair and effective AIDS public policy and funding.
Volunteering Opportunities

Volunteer Boston - AIDS Action Committee Thanks to new treatments, people are living longer and healthier lives. Many AIDS Action clients are also living better lives because of the work and commitment of our extraordinary volunteers. However, the challenge continues. In order to provide service, education and advocacy for everyone affected by HIV and AIDS, we need people, just like you, to join us in the fight.

Volunteer Boston - AIDS Action Committee Because of our volunteers, we provide more services to clients, win more public policy victories, reach more people at risk and raise more dollars to support our work. In this day and age, when people are busier than ever and free time is a luxury, the generosity of our volunteers is an inspiration to all of us who come into contact with them.
  • Direct Service - Check-In, Access, Hotline, HIV Health Library, and home services.
  • Behind the Scenes - work in the development department, organize fundraising events, research funding sources or provide administrative support.
  • Boomerangs - AIDS Action's resale store locate at 716 Centre Street in Jamaica Plain.
  • AIDS Walk / Special Events - HIV prevention outreach volunteers who can mix and mingle with client communities.
  • Public Policy - provide elected officials with accurate, up-to-date information on AIDS and HIV-related issues.
Source: AIDS Action's Website
Updated: Aug 06 2003

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Volunteer Boston - AIDS Action Committee
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